Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, April 27, 2009

Off to the Zoo

Today Zachary, Christina and I went to the Baltimore Zoo. We had so much fun - I lathered Zachary up with suntan lotion, too bad I forgot myself! Thats right, my sholders are RED!! It was so warm out, but there was a cool breeze every once in a while that felt good. Zachary made it most of the way. We carried him in the beginning, and then he fell asleeo right as we went into the childrens area (go figure!). We got lots of pictures with unfortunatly no smiles!

Hanging with the other chunky monkeys!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We want to MOVE!

For some reason, Zachary is not content just hanging out on his belly. . . .

He wants to crawl away!

We have a couch potato on our hands!!

OK - I need some help from all you parents out there! I know Zachary is only 4 1/2 months old, but he simply LOVES looking at the television. You see, I am the type of person who can not stand silence. I even sleep with the TV on. So when I am playing on the floor with Zachary, the television is on.
Well, yesterday I realized it may be a problem when I was trying to get Zachary to look at me and smile for a picture. I had him sitting in his chair with his back to the television. He tried EVERYTHING to stare at it. He leaned over backwards so much, I'm surprised he didn't fall over. I took a video of it down below. Anyway, what am I supposed to do? Should I be worried at this point, or chalk it up to that he is still an infant and he just likes the shapes and colors?
He is aways turning his head to sounds though - so maybe that is it - right? And no, he does not cry or get upset if the TV is not on - just loves to stare :)
You hate for television to be a 'babysitter'. I know when I grew up, I did not watch that much television. Funny - because now I probably watch too much. Am I a bad mom? AAHHH - someone give me some thoughts on this!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Zachary Videos

Rolling over for the first time:

Playtime in our bumpo chair:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Everyone has been asking me to keep them updated on Zachary. I know I stopped this blog after he was born, but now that I am finding more time on my hands (at least more than after he was born!) I thought I would start updating everyone on what was going on! So I promise to try and update everyone on any new news. Lets see -
We are almost 5 months old
He can roll over from his back and LOVES to sleep on his belly! (Dr. was not to happy!)
He is eating solids now - just had carrots for the first time - LOVED IT!!
And here are a few pics for ya!