Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

He's Here!!

Zachary Daniel Dengler
December 4, 2008
20 inches 7lbs 11ozs

I was in labor for 14 hours and only 3cm dilated!! They then decided it would be best to do a c-section. I was never so relieved!! He is a wonderful baby and so happy. We could not be more happy. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on his progress. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and well wishes.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!

Thats right, tomorrow we will be inducing labor!! 6am, I will be hooked up and ready to go!! So the next time you read, I will be informing you about the labor!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Another DAY at the hospital

No need to fear, everything is OK. Third week in a row and I am ONLY 1 cm dialited!!! My doctor showed a little bit of concern though - she noticed that there was a lot of fluid around the baby, making me a little bigger than I probably should be. So after my appointment so had me go down to labor and delivery for a NST (non-stress test) and sonogram to measure the fluid. Jason came up and I was there from 10:15 - 1:45! We discovered the the baby has a healthy heartbeat and I am still having contractions but not feeling them. The sonogram showed that my fluid levels are high on the normal side. Meaning the highest your levels should be to be normal are 22.6, mine was at 22. So now I have to go every week and have these tests done to make sure that everything is OK. At least until the baby is born. The doctor is just worried that the baby is "floating" and not getting into the proper position because he can't. The good news though is that someone who has high fluid levels tends to deliver early because of the excess weight on the uterus. I hope so!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

He looks like Daddy!!

That's right, we have a little Jason clone! In the pictures, you may not see it as well as we did at the doctors, but the baby has Jason's nose, and his lips. They took some measurements, and we will have a definite weight guess within the week, but our doctor seems to think that he is already at around 7 1/2 pounds. He does have some of me in him though - he never stopped moving his mouth - like he was trying to talk!! And that may be why he gets the hiccups all the time. He is such a Burleson / DeVoe!! We LOVE to talk!!

Profile of his head

A look up at his face. You can see his mouth and right up his nose!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We're Dialating!!

Ok, so don't get too excited yet. We are a whole 1cm! I was excited though, because my last visit showed no signs of moving forward. So the doctor seems to think that we are right on track for an on time delivery. 19 more days! I am starting to swell up pretty good though. I no longer have visible knuckles in my fingers and my ankles are getting worse each day. This last month has been a pistol!! On a happier note, I went shopping with my sister - in - law yesterday for baby stuff that we need before he comes .You know, breast pump, butt cream, sheets - the basics!! Pretty much up-date now, hopefully something exciting will happen soon!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Meant to post some baby shower pics!!

Shower at Mom's

Jason winning one of his MANY prizes for the shower games!

The girls at our couples shower

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Its all over

Well, I had my 4th and final baby shower last night - in fact, it was a couples shower. Which mostly means girls upstairs, guys downstairs!! When it was time for games and gifts we brought Jason up to join - he won every single game!! He guessed the amount of diapers in the diaper cake, how much ribbon it would take to go around me, it was hysterical!! Wish more of my friends could have made it, but I had a great time either way.
Now we are just counting down - 3 more weeks to go!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Are we there yet??

I have three new things to post this week - some exciting, some ho hum. So here ya go!!
1. Had my 3rd baby shower given by my mom. It was mostly family and moms old friends that I have known since I was a baby. My dads sister came in town with my two cousins which was great, because I have not seen them since my wedding! I had a lot of fun and as always, everyone was incredibly generous. not sure what else we need!! We have one more shower and that will be on Friday.
2. Had my doctors appointment yesterday and she basically told me that the baby is in complete position, head down and starting to drop. But would you know that that little sucker is not trying to push out at all!! The doctor said most women start to dialate about a month ahead of time - looks like our baby is too comfy in mommies belly. However his heartbeat is strong and healthy and we have our final sonogram in two weeks to average out the size.
3. I bought a new car yesterday!!! It is our new family car with all the bells and whistles. We bought a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited edition with less than 18,000 miles on it. It has leather seats, automatic lights and wipers, a sunroof and best of all - a DVD player in the back for when the baby gets bigger. Jason is so jealous, he is ready for a car now too!! But he has to wait since his car is a lease.:)
Well, that is all for now - just trying to keep those of you who still read our blog updated!

Monday, October 27, 2008

2 down, 2 to go!

Had my second baby shower a couple of days ago given by my sister-in-law. Jessica went above and beyond anything I could have wanted. Since our babies theme is frogs, she let everyone know and even decorated, gifted and did everything within our theme. It was great seeing that side of Jason's family, and it was so nice of them to all come together for my shower!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ho Hum

Things are going by what now seems SO SLOW!! I feel like it all went by so fast, and now that I am reaching the end, I feel like it will never get here! I had my doctors appointment on Monday and she said that my stomach size is text book - meaning I am at the perfect normal size for a woman at this stage of my pregnancy. Good News!! Maybe that means this child will not be ginormous!! He may be average :) I am so scared to give birth - a little late now, right? I just hope this little guy is just that - a little guy! We are still working on things that need to be done. We did meet with a pediatrician yesterday. A really nice man that came highly recommended from two of my friends. We both agreed that he was going to be the babies doctor. He had some great philosophy, was younger and just all around nice guy. Other than that, I have 3 more baby showers before the final due date. My last day of work will be November 23rd, and lets just hope I get to celebrate my birthday and thanksgiving without anything too big happening!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Keeping you updated

So here are a couple recent pictures. We have only 6 more weeks!! I can't even believe it!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Had my first baby shower yesterday. The women at my club threw me a surprise baby shower. But the surprise was on them! As they stood facing the door waiting for me to come in, I came in the back door behind everyone!! It was very funny as they turned around and saw me standing there!! I had a wonderful time and was treated very well with tons of things for the baby. Yummy food, DELICIOUS cake and even mom was there. Jason saw everything and was worried we would not have the room - but I assured him that everything had a home. So that's what I did this morning - I found everything a home!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Appendix is outta there!!

I know that just about everyone who reads this knows, but in case you don't Ill fill you in. 2 weeks ago today I had my appendix removed. I went into the hospital with pains around 3:00. They discovered that I was having contractions, stopped them, and sent me home. Around 11:30 that night something did not feel right, so we were back in the hospital. They could not figure out what was wrong with me, but I knew something was not right and I refused to leave till they told me what was going on. They moved Jason and I into a delivery room (which was BEAUTIFUL!) and continued tests on me all night and Jason slipped in and out of sleep on the pull out couch. At 7:30 am a doctor came into my room, poked around a bit and said I needed to have my appendix out. I was FLIPPING out!! Jason made some phone calls, and mom was waiting with Jason in pre op when I got there. I chose to take the spinal and be a awake for the surgery since it was the best thing for the baby. I woke up in recovery feeling sore and ready to see how the baby was.
I was in the hospital for 3 days before I was released. The babies heartbeat never dropped, and he kicked so much after the surgery was over. The pain killers did not affect him at all. I am back at work today for the first time and I'm still a little sore. But all I can do is thank God everyday for getting me and the baby through this surgery, both healthy, and stronger.
Jason has been a saint through it all. He makes sure that I am comfortable and has helped me out with everything from phone calls to my many Monday errands. I feel so blessed to have him in my life.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In the clear!

Good news!! Got the results back from my blood work and everything is OK. My glucose level was still on the higher side, but did not show any sign of gestational diabetes and no reason to worry. They were thinking that my numbers were high before from something I had the day before. It just makes you so nervous when its your first baby. I am trying to be so cautious. I am carrying a new life - I'm petrified!! But none the less, I am going to work on my diet. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong - but for those who know me - I am still eating a bag of doritos in less then a week!! Old habits die hard :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Little snag

Looks like there are more tests in my future. I had to do the routine glucose test. I got a call from the doctor today saying that my levels were EXTREMELY high and I was in what they call the "red zone". So tomorrow I have to have a three hour test - YUCK! They take some blood, then I have to drink this liquid. Then every hour for three hours I have to have more blood taken. All these tests are to check for gestational diabetes. See, many women get diabetes while they are pregnant. Then after the baby is born - it goes away. Weird - right?? Well, the doctor is just a little concerned about my results. Keep your fingers crossed that it was just a fluke. I should have the results in a couple of days - and I will keep everyone updated on what we find out.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How about a couple of pics

So I do smile for a picture more often then just when I show off my 'side view'. So I decided I would put a couple of them on here. Mom and dad were just here for dinner and mom wanted a couple of pictures for my grandmom, so I thought I would post those too. Here you go!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

26 1/2 weeks

Can you believe it!! Wow time is starting to go quick - and yet, I can't wait till its over. So for this picture I wanted to not lift my shirt, but Jason thought I should show the big belly - might be why I have the face that I do!!

The baby is kicking like CRAZY!! and right at my rib cage (of course!) He is so active and I'm being told that he is rather large - lets see when he decides to make his entrance :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

1 or 2 things

First off, thank you to everyone for your well-wishes. I am doing much better. The baby is starting to figure out that I don't want him on the right and the infection seems to be clearing up well.
But the most important thing - we finished the babies room!! Jason and I bought a crib this week - I LOVE it! We strapped it to the roof of my car and drove 30 mph all the way home. Jason's brother came over and they moved Jason's old desk and dresser into the room and moved some other stuff downstairs. Jason just looked at his old furniture and with a smile said 'I never thought that one day my son would be using my furniture that I used growing up'. I think it really made him happy. I am just so glad that the room is done. I know we have time, but I just wanted to get that out of the way - one last thing we don't have to worry about.
Otherwise I'm getting larger and Jason has been wonderful. He is always looking out for me and making sure I don't do too much to put any strain on the baby. I feel like I'm living in an 'I Love Lucy' episode. I'm going to start crying and thinking Jason loves the baby more than me!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A night at the hospital

Yup, you read right, we were at the hospital last night at 10:00pm. You can never be too careful when your pregnant right? I really did not want to go, but Jason and mom were adament that we go to the hospital. Here's what happened:
I was at work when I had an EXCRUCIATING pain in my right side, right where my ovary is. I could not walk and I was kicking a drawer from the pain. I went home and Jason and I were playing a game outside when I again, keeled over from the pain. At first we thought they were braxton hicks contractions - Nope! We went to the emergency room and because I am 6 months pregnant today, they wheel chaired me over to the labor and delivery area where I was taken in right away. First they could not find the babies heartbeat, then I was strapped up. We found out:
The baby is pressing against my back with his arms and feet pushing forward
My ligaments are stretching
I could have a urinary tract infection
Could be my appendix
They thought I was in labor!!!
I went home knowing that they may call me to come back in after the were able to read my blood work. 1:45am, my phone rings and they told me that my white blood cell count was abnormally high and I needed to come back in the morning for more tests. So 7:00am, I was back in the hospital.
Luckily my white blood cell count began to go down, but they discovered I am suffering from an infection. The baby loves my right side and is pushing on the inflamed area making things worse. They still belive it could be my appendix, but nothing to worry too much about. They also said I need to start acting like Im pregnant. I need to stop running aroud like I am fine. Apparently I have a horrible infection and I need to fight it.
So now I relax, and always lie on my left side and push the baby over. I still have the pain, and please keep me in your thoughts as we try to figure out whats wrong.
However the baby is doing great - getting big and very happy and kicks and punches ALL THE TIME!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

5 1/2 months

So these pictures were taken a little short of 5 1/2 months, but instead of my traditional side view of the big belly, I decided to send these instead. Jason and I went swimming with the pups at mom and dads and mom wanted to take pics to send the family. You will notice (since I'm in a bathing suit) that things are getting larger, including the fat under my arms!!

And please don't ask if I'm having twins - I'm just getting really big really fast!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

He's Kicking!!

That's right!! I have been feeling the butterflies inside and knowing that he was moving around, but today I felt it on the outside. Not much though, just a little push out right below my belly button and to my left. I knew he was moving a lot because of the butterflies, then I felt a bubble/pop. I sat up and put my hand there and low and behold I felt it! It was the most amazing feeling. I just feel bad that Jason was not here to feel it too. He is playing the Maryland Open trying to bring home the big bucks for his family :) I know this will definitely put a smile on his face when he calls.
I am a little over 5 months now - time is really flying by. One of my members who is an OBGYN asked me if I was having twins. When I said no he said I must have a big baby! Thanks a lot! Was he saying I looked fat???? I mean geez, I thought I was looking too small - who knew!
I am still smiling from the kick - WOW!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Little Dengler has a Dangler

That's right - It's a BOY!! Seeing Jason's face when the tech said those three words was priceless!! I don't think his smile could have gotten any bigger.

Here he is legs spread and showing off his "goods"!

Too cute - sucking his thumb!

This time around, the baby was very cooperative. In fact, he was so cooperative, we were out of there in 20min! The baby is very healthy and everything is in order, size and all. In fact, my due date was moved up to December 2nd. I am actually approximately 4 days further than we thought. Jason and I are so happy right now, especially now that we know the sex!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

4 1/2 months!!

Here you go - one month since the last picture. We are 4 1/2 months now - half way there!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's getting closer!!

That's right, I think we should be feeling the baby any day now. The other day I was lying on the couch and pulled my shirt up above my stomach. I noticed that during certain parts of the day I can see my belly "flutter". It is just so amazing!! I told Jason that I feel like I'm in the movie "Alien". That any minute now something is going to emerge out of me!! I can not wait to feel the baby for the first time. I know it should be happening soon - we are already half way there - WOW!
On a side note, to everyone that reads this. Please keep my friend Katie and her family in your prayers. Three weeks ago she gave birth to twins - her second and third children. The little boy is doing amazing, however the little girl is very sick and is back in the hospital. Please think of them during this tough time. It just shows that no matter how well you take care of yourself, anything can happen. We love you Katie!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What's wrong with me!!

So, we bought our house knowing that we had a lot of work to be done. However, now with a new baby coming into our lives, I feel like everything needs to be done. I was having a freak out fest this morning. It all started when our WONDERFUL dog Raven decided to yet again use our bedroom as her own personal toilet. I went crazy. I started then finding something wrong with everything in the house. Jason does not take these outbursts too well. He asked if I woke him up early this morning just to yell at him. He did however finally put the door on to our linen closest upstairs! But there is so much more that needs to be done! I feel that I am just living in a constant project. Maybe it is time to put the basement on hold and finish all the small projects that need to be done around the house. We have been here for a little over a year, and we have pretty much only half done everything. A new life is coming, things need to be done.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It all so real!

Today was to big day - our first sonogram!! We got to see the baby and it was AMAZING!! I was so excited when we got there because I wanted to know sooooo bad if it was a boy or girl. Of course, the baby is taking after its mom and dad already - stubborn! Not only did it keep its head nestled in the uterine wall most of the time - but it kept its legs crossed and back to us :) So needless to say, we were not able to find out the sex of the baby. However, we did find out that the baby is very healthy - and we counted the fingers and toes!!

The baby in its normal position - legs crossed and back to us!

Legs (somewhat crossed)

The babies face when it turned to us for a quick snapshot!

Hopefully our doctor will tell us we need to get another sonogram so they can get the rest of the information on the health of the baby that they were unable to get due to the position. Then maybe we will find out the sex. But let me just tell you! Having to fill my bladder with all the bladder issues I have had over the years was INCREDIBLY painful! They had me empty it halfway through, and that helped the babies position a little. O! and ACTIVE!! The baby never stopped moving! kicking, punching, everything! I had no idea so much was going on inside of me! It all seems so real now.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

We're Registered!!

Well, the other day Jason and I took an hour out of our day to register at Babies 'r us. I think we did pretty good for our first run at it. It is just SO overwhelming! I mean, how do you pick 1 diaper genie when there are 6 different types!!! I'm having a friend of mine who has two children of her own look at our registry to see if we left much out. We intentionally didn't register for a couple things like bibs and onsies, assuming that most people would get them for us anyway (at least that is what we were told). So any mothers out there, I would LOVE your opinion on what we have registered for. But the best thing of all - We agreed on a theme for the room! After changing my mind 4 times, we agreed on a froggie theme - and I LOVE it! So we are one step closer
By the way - I'm 4 months today!! And our first sonogram is Wednesday :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am my mothers child

Here I was - SO happy that I was having an easy pregnancy. I made it through my first trimester so easily. I was never sick, never felt sick, and felt just a little worn down with a VERY sore chest.
Yesterday it started - the morning sickness (at 8:30pm). And again tonight around 7:00pm. When I talked to mom, it all started to make sense. Her sickness did not start till her second trimester. She had constant headaches, and her second trimester brought along continued tiredness, and being worn down from just walking up the stairs.
Yes - I am having my mothers pregnancy. O NO!!! Does this mean I'm going to have a child like me! Then again, I could only be so lucky :) He He. Just kidding!
So, things are a little tougher this week. I am having to learn now that I can not stretch myself so far. I am used to working at 7, playing 9 or 18 holes of golf, then giving lessons till dark. Today I was finished after 3 holes of golf and only had two one hour lessons. I was BEAT! I know we need the money from my golf lessons - but it is time to separate my "play time" from my lesson time.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Peanut has a heartbeat and I have clothes!!

Lets first discuss how I call the baby peanut. Until we know (if we find out) if the baby is a boy or girl, I want to give it a name. No more "it" or "baby", it is now - peanut. Why peanut you ask? Because that is how big the baby is!! Next month - probably apple ;)
Next - THE BABY HAS A HEARTBEAT!!! That's right! Today Jason and I had our doctors appointment. We thought we would be getting a sonogram also - but this sound made up for it. Through the static we heard what sounded like a thumping in a washing machine. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. The doctor said the babies heartbeat was 150. A typical heartbeat is between 120 and 160 - so we are healthy!! One of my friends said that the baby is a girl because girls heartbeats are always over 145 - we will see (she has two children of her own - one boy and one girl). But the doctor said it is higher due to the fact that peanut is so small. I keep telling Jason the baby is a girl - I feel like I just know - but I could be full of S--t.
Next up - my WONDERFUL friend Monica let me come over and invade her old maternity clothes. She had boxes of them - and let me have my pick. Lets just say I will not need to do any more shopping. I walked out of there with two VERY heavy bags of clothes. Ill tell you - maternity is a pain - having to re-do your whole wardrobe. But yet, so wonderful :)
That's all for now - but keep posted - we are scheduled for an ultrasound around the 25th of this month!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Quick Little Vent

I just need to say something and then I'm done. But at what point of my pregnancy did I say it was OK to touch, rub or pat my stomach?? Family is one thing, but when members at my club come behind the counter just to touch my barely showing stomach AAAHHHH!!! And its not always people I am close with - but men who just want to find an excuse to touch my belly. I know it happens to all mothers, but I am really into personal space. How am I going to make it through 5 1/2 more months of this?? Especially when I'm not even really showing yet?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Baby Names

Talk about a touchy subject!!!
We have been talking about baby names since the day we found out we were expecting a baby. I never knew how hard it would be to come to a decision. We finally agreed on a girls name, then I saw 'Sex in the City' and heard a new name I liked. Surprisingly, Jason liked the name too. Now we have two girl names. When it comes to boys names, don't even get me started!! Jason wanted a Jr. at first, but I think we have passed that. Now it is just us saying names we like while the other person makes faces and say "no way!".
Mom and Dad came over for dinner the other night. Poor mom was just saying name after name after name, while we said either 'yuck', 'no way', or 'too ordinary'. I know we have 5 more months, but I just wanted everything to be done before the baby comes. And to all you mothers out there, I know not EVERYTHING will be done, but lets just pretend I can get it all done - that would make me feel better :)

3 1/2 months today!!

Well, we have made it past our first trimester and are working our way through month by month. It has been a pretty easy pregnancy so far. I never had any morning sickness and very little nausea. I don't even feel like I'm pregnant!!

On Monday we are going to the doctor. I'm sure I'll feel pregnant then!! We get to hear the babies heart beat and see the baby for the first time.

Here is a picture Jason took of me a few days ago - getting a belly!!