Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Little snag

Looks like there are more tests in my future. I had to do the routine glucose test. I got a call from the doctor today saying that my levels were EXTREMELY high and I was in what they call the "red zone". So tomorrow I have to have a three hour test - YUCK! They take some blood, then I have to drink this liquid. Then every hour for three hours I have to have more blood taken. All these tests are to check for gestational diabetes. See, many women get diabetes while they are pregnant. Then after the baby is born - it goes away. Weird - right?? Well, the doctor is just a little concerned about my results. Keep your fingers crossed that it was just a fluke. I should have the results in a couple of days - and I will keep everyone updated on what we find out.

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