Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It all so real!

Today was to big day - our first sonogram!! We got to see the baby and it was AMAZING!! I was so excited when we got there because I wanted to know sooooo bad if it was a boy or girl. Of course, the baby is taking after its mom and dad already - stubborn! Not only did it keep its head nestled in the uterine wall most of the time - but it kept its legs crossed and back to us :) So needless to say, we were not able to find out the sex of the baby. However, we did find out that the baby is very healthy - and we counted the fingers and toes!!

The baby in its normal position - legs crossed and back to us!

Legs (somewhat crossed)

The babies face when it turned to us for a quick snapshot!

Hopefully our doctor will tell us we need to get another sonogram so they can get the rest of the information on the health of the baby that they were unable to get due to the position. Then maybe we will find out the sex. But let me just tell you! Having to fill my bladder with all the bladder issues I have had over the years was INCREDIBLY painful! They had me empty it halfway through, and that helped the babies position a little. O! and ACTIVE!! The baby never stopped moving! kicking, punching, everything! I had no idea so much was going on inside of me! It all seems so real now.


Anonymous said...

AWWWW!!!!! SOOO cute! I can't wait to find out what it is. I'm so excited you're not waiting! Haha.

Anonymous said...

Great news that everything is going well so far! Great pics too! Keep us posted!