Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In the clear!

Good news!! Got the results back from my blood work and everything is OK. My glucose level was still on the higher side, but did not show any sign of gestational diabetes and no reason to worry. They were thinking that my numbers were high before from something I had the day before. It just makes you so nervous when its your first baby. I am trying to be so cautious. I am carrying a new life - I'm petrified!! But none the less, I am going to work on my diet. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong - but for those who know me - I am still eating a bag of doritos in less then a week!! Old habits die hard :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Little snag

Looks like there are more tests in my future. I had to do the routine glucose test. I got a call from the doctor today saying that my levels were EXTREMELY high and I was in what they call the "red zone". So tomorrow I have to have a three hour test - YUCK! They take some blood, then I have to drink this liquid. Then every hour for three hours I have to have more blood taken. All these tests are to check for gestational diabetes. See, many women get diabetes while they are pregnant. Then after the baby is born - it goes away. Weird - right?? Well, the doctor is just a little concerned about my results. Keep your fingers crossed that it was just a fluke. I should have the results in a couple of days - and I will keep everyone updated on what we find out.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How about a couple of pics

So I do smile for a picture more often then just when I show off my 'side view'. So I decided I would put a couple of them on here. Mom and dad were just here for dinner and mom wanted a couple of pictures for my grandmom, so I thought I would post those too. Here you go!