We had a wonderful Christmas this year. I think the thing that made it so amazing, was the fact that Zachary could truly appreciate everything and understand the excitement of Santa and presents!! Although he still does not know the idea of Christmas and why Santa comes, he still enjoyed it to the fullest. We started our Christmas celebration on Thursday at Kenilworth Mall to see the train garden.
On Christmas Eve we went to my parents house and also got to see Paka and Lois, which I love. Every year I require a generation photo of Paka, mom, Zachary and I!! As you can see - I didn't include the photo in this blog, Zachary didn't care to participate!! Dinner as always was amazing, and I watched my night of putting a train together with my husband slip away as my husband and my dad downed wine, quantro and port together! But, that is their thing - so I was prepared! Poor mom was so sick - not fun to be ill during the holidays!
We did manage to get in a family photo though - too bad I was having a bad hair day and a five head! But at least Zachary was smiling! 9:45pm rolled around, and Zachary was still wide awake - so I decided it was time to leave and get the little man home for bed to get ready for Santa.
Basically, he came down with Jason, ran full speed into the living room, and stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at everything and seemed very confused. He then proceeded to point everything out to up before he dove right in!
It didn't take long though until he was in his new car, smiling and driving. He also did exactly what I thought he would do - he drove his car to the train, and just sat in the car as he watched the train go round and round! A big thanks to Nana and Papa for his train table - otherwise I don't know where we would have put it!
Christmas morning was soooo much fun! Not exactly what I was expecting as a reaction from Zachary - but very cute!
As soon as he got up from his nap, he was on the floor watching his trains some more. I think the train was more exciting for Jason - as Zachary slept, Jason took all the extra tracks and built a huge train track over our entire downstairs - Zachary LOVED it!
I truly had no idea how much Zachary loved trains till this year. It seems like he sleeps and breathes them. He talks about his train all day, as he is going to bed, and the first thing out of his mouth when he wakes up!
Our family also helped in the train obsession with more trains and more tracks - so everyday, Zachary and I have built a separate track on the floor to play with.
What a great Christmas and I can not wait till next year. I really have no idea how Santa is going to 'up' himself next year - but I'm eager to see!!
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